Welcome from the Head Teacher  
Welcome to Beckford Primary School’s website!

We hope you find our website useful and easy to use. 
At Beckford Primary our motto is to – ‘Be Brilliant, Be Bold, Be Beckford’, as we encourage our children to work hard, be resilient and try new things to be their best selves at Beckford.

We work collaboratively with our children, staff, families and partners to create a warm ethos, where everyone in our school community feels welcome, safe, included and nurtured. We have high expectations for all, and work closely with community partners and families to meet these expectations.

Should you have any questions or queries, would like to arrange to visit our school, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Carol Pennock
Head Teacher

Vision Values & Aims
Contact Us
Directions to School
Beckford Primary School
Auchinraith Avenue

t.  01698 423200
History of our School
School Hours
School Uniform
School Lunches
Our School Vision Statement is:

‘Working together to provide a nurturing, happy, inclusive and rights respecting community, where learners are challenged and supported to meet their potential.’

Our School Values are to be:


Our School Aims are:

*Support learners to become Successful Learners, Effective Contributors, Confident Individuals and Responsible Citizens.
*Build strong relationships with all learners, families, partners and the community.
*Deliver an enriching and holistic curriculum that helps all learners meet their potential.
*Have systems in place to promote equity of success for all learners. .

Our School Rules are to be:



Beckford Street School, as our school was originally known, had one long room and two smaller classrooms which held 180 pupils. The school was established in 1875 and was funded mainly by the subscriptions given by the members of the Free Church in Hamilton. The school grew and an article written in 1910 tells us that Beckford was considered to be one of the most successful schools in Scotland and had 1082 pupils registered! The article also tells us that children attending Beckford ‘were encouraged to take an interest in everything of a healthy and enobling nature.’
Log Books handwritten by the Headteachers of the school give us an idea of what school life was like in the past:
11th Aug. 1914
School reopened today: all the Staff present but Miss Peebles, who, due to the War in Europe, is detained at Lucerne. Her class meanwhile is being taught by Miss Scott.
19th Sep. 1917
Due to the visit of the King to Motherwell and neighbourhood, the school was closed today.
11th Nov. 1918
Received official intimation at 11.45 that the Germans had signed the Armisitice. Got the Union Jack hoisted, which the Pupils saluted. After a short address, the National Anthem was sung, when the school was dismissed.
A bulletin written in 1973 describes Beckford as a school where academic standards are maintained while ensuring that teachers discover and nurture as many talents as possible in the pupils in their care.

School Uniform

Our children always look very smart in their uniforms.

Our Uniform is smart, practical and an economic way of clothing your child for school.

Uniform should consist of grey/black skirt or trousers, white shirt or blouse with a school tie, burgundy/grey/black jumper or cardigan and a yellow or white polo-shirt and burgundy/grey sweatshirt for gym days. 

Uniform can be purchased online at

NB these suppliers provide uniform with the school badge, school jumpers/poloshirts etc do not need to have the school badge on them.


Please click on th link below for information about school lunches


Your comments are very important to us, if you and your child have any suggestions regarding your child's school lunch we would be grateful to hear from you by emailing:


Monday – Friday  
9.00 a.m. – 3.00 p.m. 
 Morning Interval 

10.30 a.m. - 10.45 a.m.

12.15 p.m. – 01.00 p.m


Our policy here at Beckford Primary is to provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to opt out of their child’s photo and or name to be included on our website. Occasions when this may occur could be a class activity, a school trip, a competition winner and other similar reasons. We will not be including a photo of every child as standard this will only be done on an ad-hoc basis for reasons as mentioned.   

At the beginning of every school year, every parent/carer who does not wish to allow their child’s photo to appear on the website should have returned the form issued at the start of the school year opting out.  As a rule it is our policy that children who are featured on the website will not have their photo and full name appear together.


Our website DOES NOT use cookies.  We count visitor numbers and not visitor identity.


Should you e-mail the school for any reason we will not store your e-mail address unless you give us permission to do so.


We have included links to many different websites throughout our website from fun web links in the Pupil’s Area to Educational Support links in the Parent’s area, Beckford Primary are not responsible for any of these sites and caution is always advised when visiting a new website.     

Many documents on our website open in a PDF format and you will require Adobe Reader to view these documents.  We have provided a link on our Homepage to download Adobe Reader. Again, this is just to make it easy for parents/carers, we do not endorse Adobe products, caution is always advised when downloading anything to your own computer such as virus protection and having firewalls switched on.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Head Teacher.
Website Privacy & User Policy
Beckford Primary School, Hamilton, ML3 0JQ t.  01698 423200  e. office@beckford-pri.s-lanark.sch.uk
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The Youth Family Community Learning Team are based down at the Whitehill Neighbourhood Centre. They work closely with us at Beckford to support our young people, particularly with our transition preparation for secondary and our Developing Young Workforce agenda.

Our current Primary 6s are involved in a 12 week programme which finishes in December 2023. These children are currently working towards a Dynamic Youth Award.

Youth Family Community Learning Team
Respectful Kindness Friendly Caring    Responsible